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Nice Girls, Naughty Sex Page 4
Nice Girls, Naughty Sex Read online
Page 4
Ally had her eye on a man she guessed to be in his fifties. He looked like he’d rather drown in his cocktail than drink it. She was making her way toward him, trying to catch his attention by shaking her ass in tune to a soundtrack best left on the junior high schoolyard. She had shimmied just a few feet away from him when Ethan walked into the club.
She felt him before she saw him. It was like a little static charge came to life in her belly. She had begun to think he wouldn’t show. It had been four days since she’d left him in bed and crept out into the milky morning light. He hadn’t called and neither had she. That’s just the way things worked when they were off.
During the two years they’d been dating, they’d split up half a dozen times. It always started with a fight and ended with them coming together rough and hard, enough to leave them both bruised and sore, but not enough to douse the flames of the fight. Ethan never left voluntarily. It was always the road that took him away; otherwise, he was content to hover around her while she simmered. Ally, on the other hand, chose to leave. The first few times she had left, it was to end it. Now, she did it because she knew how good it would be when he came looking for her. Since the day they met she hadn’t been with any other man, and she believed him when he said she was the only woman for him.
She let her gaze linger on him for only a second, long enough to take in all that breadth. He looked better every time she saw him. His red plaid shirt was rolled up to the elbows, revealing the tattoo on his forearm: a heart with her name in the center. The top two buttons were undone, divulging a tantalizing peek at his chest. The black denims he wore were broken in and fit him perfectly, not too tight and not too bulky. His dark eyes were clear and bright, and it looked like he’d given his hair a trim. He looked rested and brimming with mischief. Best of all, he looked happy to see her.
And, damn, she was happy to see him. Elation spread out from the center of her chest like warm honey.
She turned her back on him and strode, one foot in front of the other, to the stage. With every step, the hem of her skirt brushed the tops of her thighs. It was a challenge not to look back as she swayed from side to side. She heard the low timbre of his voice as he ordered a drink, and then the whine of a chair scraping against the floor.
Knowing his gaze was upon her heated her blood. She squeezed her legs together and pressed her tongue to the roof of her mouth. She closed her eyes and counted as she moved. By the time she reached one hundred, she could feel the moisture on the inside of her thighs. Slowly, she slipped the white blouse she wore over her shoulders and let it pool at her feet. Then she turned.
He had taken a seat at a table by the stage. The beer in front of him was untouched and perspiring. He twisted the bottle back and forth between two fingers as he watched her, his expression unreadable.
Flipping her blond hair over her shoulder, Ally got on her knees in front of him and ran her hands over her ribs and down her thighs. He raised his eyebrows as he took her in, from the sparkly barrettes to the patent leather shoes.
“That’s a shitty look,” he said.
She glanced pitifully around the club, continuing to sway to the music. “It’s not working out too well for me tonight. I haven’t got a cent to show for it.”
“We should get out of here,” he said and took a sip of his beer. She watched his mouth as it puckered around the bottle and was reminded of its hot suction when he buried his face between her thighs.
She gave the tops of her stockings a tug and grinned. “Are you sure you don’t want to stay for the show?”
A line formed between his brows, but he didn’t say anything as she lifted her skirt. She ran her hand over her crotch and delved between her legs. Ethan’s gaze followed. His lips parted, and he pressed his tongue against his front teeth.
She traced her middle finger along the wet streak over her pussy. “Come on, admit it. This is turning you on, isn’t it?”
He went forward on his elbows. His nostrils flared, and the heat in his eyes penetrated her to the bone. “I’d rather have the private show.”
She went back on one hand. “That’ll cost you.” She hung her head back and ran her free hand up to her tits. “I’m going to make you earn it.”
She heard him suck in a deep breath as she traced her thumb over her nipple. She closed her eyes and blocked out the music that beat all around her, until there was only the heat of knowing his gaze was upon her. The tension in the backs of her thighs evoked a wicked memory of straddling him, of clenching all around him.
“You want me all to yourself?” She pushed herself upright to look at him and cupped her tits. A shard of triumph went through her to find the beginnings of a smile on Ethan’s lips. She bit back a giggle and leaned forward. “That’ll cost you big-time.”
His tongue pulsed against his cheek as he turned the bottle back and forth, back and forth in his fingers. “Name your price.”
Ally got to her feet and stood over him, hands caressing her hips. She kept her voice low and alluring. “You can start with an apology.”
“According to you, I’ve always got a laundry list of things to apologize for.”
“Then let’s start at the beginning, shall we?”
She turned her back on him and strolled to the small staircase leading to the floor, then sashayed to where he sat. She stood directly behind him. “First, you cause me to have a nasty falling out with my boyfriend. In retrospect I ought to thank you for that—he was kind of an asshole, and if you hadn’t come along, it probably would have ended with a lot more screaming and a lot more crying.” She circled him and leaned against the edge of the table. “Get out your wallet.”
Ethan lifted his ass and pulled his leather wallet from the back pocket. He tossed it next to her. “Go on.”
“Then,” she went on as she lifted his bottle to her lips, “your crazy bitch of an ex-wife shows up at my house and smashes all the windows before giving my front door a paint job.”
He lifted a finger in front of his face. “Didn’t I paint the door for you? You can’t even see the writing.”
“But it took you a week to fix my windows, which you insisted on doing yourself after you threw a fit when I tried to call a professional.” She took a sip and handed the bottle back to him. “Third, and this is the most recent infraction, you take me out for what was supposed to be a nice anniversary dinner, and what do you do? You get drunk, get into a fight, and I have to bail you out and listen to you puking your guts out until dawn.”
She leaned back on the stage and stretched her legs out in front of her. Ethan pursed his lips together as his eyes roved over her. A swell of anticipation rippled through her before curling in her belly.
“And now you’re back, expecting me to just forget all of it without an apology. You don’t bring me flowers, chocolates, or even a bottle of that liqueur you know I like so much.”
His fingers brushed the dainty little bow at the top of her stocking, and she slapped his hand away. “We have rules about touching.”
Ethan sat back with a laugh and slung his arm over the back of his chair. “You got anything else you want to bitch about, or can we get out of here?”
“I still didn’t hear an apology. I told you that’s the price of a private show.” She placed her foot against the seat, between his legs, and ran a hand along the inside of her thigh.
Ethan pressed his lips together as he watched her fingers dance over the smooth flesh. “I can’t remember the last time I had to say I was sorry.”
She tucked her foot underneath his crotch and wiggled her toes. “Oh, you’ll remember this. Trust me.”
“Ally,” he said, and threw his arms out. “Forgive me.”
She shook her head. “Pardon me if I doubt your sincerity.”
“You want me to get on my knees?”
She stared back at him and fought the urge to give in. He was so sure of himself, so smarmy, and so charming all at once. She could have smacked the smirk off of his face, or kis
sed it off.
She sighed. “I’m not getting a real apology, am I?”
“Not even if you held a gun to my head.” Ethan took another swig from his bottle and stood. He cracked his wallet and smirked, then pulled out a $100 bill. He folded it twice and held it in front of her face. “Here’s my apology.”
“That’s generous.” The sarcasm in her voice was apparent.
He reached down and tucked the bill between her breasts. His fingers lingered, grazing bare skin as he closed in on her with his body. “I figure I’ll owe you for this.”
Ready for the heat of his mouth, Ally parted her lips. Her hungry intake of breath turned into a gasp and then a shriek as he scooped her over his shoulder.
“Damn it! I’m naked.” She flattened her hands against his back and pushed up. The club bobbed and bounced and the stage got farther away with every step he took.
His palm came down hard on her ass as he stepped outside. “Don’t worry, baby. It’s a short drive to my place.”
SHE GOT SO HORNY IN THE CAR, she would have risked a speeding ticket or even a broken neck to wrap her legs around him while he drove. Now at his front door, she stood behind him and pressed her nearly naked body against his broad back for warmth. She ran a hand along his thigh and then over the bulge between his legs. She found his zipper and gave the slide a tug.
He cursed and nearly dropped his keys. “I take it I’m forgiven.”
“I didn’t hear an apology.”
“Want another hundred?”
She lifted her leg and jabbed him in the ass with her knee. “Consider yourself warned.”
He shrugged her off and glanced over his shoulder with a smirk.
He turned the key in the last lock and twisted the handle. The door swung open and Ethan stepped aside. “You coming?”
“You first,” she said, and followed him into the darkness.
Ally grabbed the back of his shirt as he led her into his apartment. It was minimalist to say the least, but it wasn’t a decor choice. He was on the road so much of the time that having a lot of stuff was unnecessary. Ethan dropped his keys on a worn coffee table and went to the kitchen. He yanked open the cupboard and pulled out a bottle of Jack Daniel’s and two plastic cups.
“You want some Coke with yours?”
Ally shook her head. “You know I hate whiskey.”
“Then just the Coke.”
She rolled her eyes and dropped down on the sofa. “I’m not thirsty.”
“Sure you are.” He sank down on the opposite end and poured out two shots. “You need to perk up. You must be tired. You don’t sleep well without me.”
“I sleep just fine,” she lied. “I’d sleep like a baby tonight if I was on my own.”
He shrugged and held one of the glasses out to her, then sank back against the sofa with one arm draped over the edge. “There’s the door.”
Ally sniffed the whiskey and made a face. She slid the glass onto the table and mimicked his pose. “I’m dressed like a schoolgirl, and my purse is still in my locker.”
“I guess you’ve got to stay.” He belted back his drink and then leaned forward to pour another.
Ally’s mouth twitched as she watched him. She could hold her own against the most stubborn assholes, but she felt completely unarmed against Ethan. If she’d really wanted to she could just call a cab and go back to the club, where she could collect her purse and her clothes, but she knew she wouldn’t shake him. He’d just dog her until she gave in.
His smug smile got a little wider as she reached out and reclaimed her glass. She wasn’t going anywhere, and they both knew it.
His eyes honed in on her mouth as she raised the glass to her lips. She braced herself and tipped her head back. Every drop was as foul as she had anticipated, and her eyes watered as the whiskey raced down her throat, but when she slammed the glass onto the tabletop her mouth was a defiant line.
“Are you all right?” Ethan asked, chuckling under his breath.
She nodded, blinked her tears away, and then raised her brows at him. “Happy now?”
He shook his head and reached out to yank a strand of hair that coiled along her cheek. “Not yet. Take off the outfit.”
“You don’t like it?” She stood and smoothed out her pleated skirt.
“I don’t like seeing grown women dressed like little girls.” He poured himself another glass and then leaned back. “Take it off.”
Biting her tongue to keep from smiling too much, Ally plucked the hem of the skirt and lifted it to show off her white lacy panties with the little blue bows. “You sure?”
“What do you want, another hundred? Get rid of it.” With his last words his voice creaked with laughter.
Ally giggled and shrugged, then tore at the skirt’s Velcro strip. She tossed it into his lap. “I do this much better with music.”
“If you keep stalling I’m going to put you out myself.”
“No, you’re not. You live in a shitty neighborhood. You’d feel terrible if something happened to me.”
Ethan took a sip of his whiskey and then reached down to flick the top button on his fly. He rested his head back against the sofa and watched with eyes half-closed as she continued undressing.
The quiet pushed down upon her. There was only the sound of his breathing and the whisper of skin brushing against skin as she tugged her bra straps over her shoulders. When she rubbed her hands up her thighs and tucked her thumbs into her panties, the tip of his tongue peeked out, touching his upper lip. Her clit throbbed, and heat moved through her body like a fever.
She stretched her leg out alongside of him and slowly unfurled one stocking, followed by the other, and then stood before him in nothing at all. He seemed so at ease, but his gaze was filled with that simmering hunger that got under her skin every time. She swallowed hard as she went to her knees in front of him.
Ethan set his drink on the end table to his left and spread his legs to accommodate her. He placed his hands behind his head, elbows out.
“Say something,” she whispered and ran her hands along his thighs. “I don’t trust you when you’re quiet.”
“I’ve got nothing to say,” he said as she started working the buttons of his shirt. She peeled it apart, revealing the glorious expanse of his chest.
Ally bit down as she ran her hands over him. Heat radiated from his bare skin and seeped into her palms. She could feel the desire building, blossoming in her chest, making it hard to breathe. The ache was becoming unbearable. The insides of her thighs were getting slick, and her nipples had tightened into hard peaks.
Ally slid her hand along the inside of his thigh and closed it around the outline of his cock. His abs clenched as she rubbed him through the stiff denim. He licked his lips, and his chest rose and fell a little faster.
Fighting against the growing fever that threatened to turn her to jelly, Ally unbuttoned his jeans. He lifted his hips, and she worked the jeans to midthigh and then, more carefully, peeled away his briefs.
His cock arced up, thick and ruddy, hot to the touch. She closed her fingers around the shaft and smiled as his eyelids fluttered shut. A deep grumble surrounded her as she ran her tongue across the head. She could feel the blood pumping beneath her palm. The flesh filled out, becoming harder, bigger, throbbing between her lips.
Her cunt clenched, and moisture ran along her crack. A moan choked in the back of her throat as she swallowed more and more of him, taking the whole length. She released him slowly and let his cock glide along the surface of her tongue.
Ethan groaned, and the resonance lasted until she puckered her mouth around the tip. The sound cut off with a sigh as she ran her hand along his dick. Her eyes flicked to his face, and a hot shard of need pierced her when she found him looking upon her.
He sucked in a deep breath and lifted his hips. “Keep sucking me like that, nice and slow.”
Ally kept her eyes on him. With every inch she swallowed, Ethan’s whole body tensed. The muscles arou
nd his shoulders bunched, and he tilted his head back, exposing the tanned slope of his neck. She held his heavy balls in her palm while she ran her tongue along the underside of his cock.
“Oh Jesus.” He closed his legs against her ribs and placed his hand on the back of her head. “That’s just—” A moan cut off his words. Ally sucked the tip into her mouth and started jerking the shaft in firm, even strokes. Pre-cum seeped against her tongue, the taste filling her mouth and spurring her hunger.
In spite of his edict to go slow, Ally picked up the pace, and Ethan followed, thrusting up to match her rhythm. With every swipe of her tongue he grunted, and his insistent fingertips dug in. Ally was ready to take him all the way, but as she tightened her grip on him, he pushed her back and shook his head.
“Give me some room. It’s my turn to play.” He took her by the elbows and dragged her to her feet.
He slid to the floor with his back against the edge of the sofa and embraced her waist. Ally took a wide stance in front of him, moving closer until his hot breath streamed between her legs. He slid his hands along the backs of her thighs. A shiver ran along her spine and skittered to the back of her throat, where it escaped as a moan.
“Looks like you had as good of a time as I did,” he murmured as his fingers probed her wetness. She went forward and flattened her hands against the sofa. Hanging her head, she sucked in a deep breath at the sight of his tongue moving between her pussy lips.
A coil of liquid heat unfurled in her belly and seeped to the mouth of her cunt, where the tip of his finger crooked. He licked the puffy skin surrounding her clit, around and around. His finger teased with slow exploration. She arched her back as the muscles within contracted and sent a delicious flare through her abdomen.
“Oh, damn,” she whispered. Her knees buckled, and she pushed up on the balls of her feet to keep from toppling. He tilted his head back enough to catch her eye and winked, then curled his tongue around the engorged pearl of flesh. Two fingers filled her, gliding over her G-spot.